Friday, August 26, 2011

Cousin Camp 2011 was a huge success!

Now everyone is pooped--even Desi!


Many thanks to the counselors:

 The Director:
and all the campers!

The Case of the Double Dectective

The highlight of Friday was the world premier of "The Case of the Double Detective." Conceived of by all the campers, written and directed by Rosalie, stage manged by Valeria, produced by Susanna and Joe, and starring Emma, Ollie, Archer, Maggie, Ellie, and Leo (with Lotta as understudy and Aenna as under-understudy). 

The cast rehearsed their lines and blocked their staging:

The audience gathered for the performance:

The curtain went up and the show went on!

Curtain calls and bravo!

Canoeing at Lowell Lake State Park

On Friday (between rehearsals!) we had a lovely day on Lowell Lake: paddling and picnic-ing!

Happy Campers




Tell us about the Teepee!

This wonderful Teepee was erected on the lawn.  Campers, post stories about it in the comments below!